IT leaders must focus on detecting and responding to threats, as well as more traditional blocking and other measures to prevent attacks. Application self-protection, as well as user and entity behavior analytics, will help fulfill the adaptive security architecture.
These days, most security professionals would concede that their networks have become more vulnerable, given the likelihood that attacks will increase and become more sophisticated.
IT Leaders must seek out and use newer, smarter methods to combat this trend, to assist IT leaders Shield has done extensive research and testing with its three new products and now partnered with these cutting edge security companies Shield brings these products/services to the North American market.
Safe-T; Safe-T Box enables organizations to broker, control and secure data exchange of any type and size between people, applications, cloud solutions, and businesses. Built on the industry’s widest range of pre-configured application and cloud connectors and powered by an automated security policy enforcement engine, Safe-T Box is designed to rapidly add security and control across a wide variety of data exchange patterns for enterprises of all types including to and from the cloud.
Cronus; The CyBot Pro is a unique, patented predictive Attack Path Scenario (APS) software solution. Installed onsite, the CyBot Pro imitates human hacker operating practices and performs around-the-clock penetration testing on all IP-based components in an environment − including infrastructure, applications and databases – to find vulnerabilities and complex attack path scenarios in real-time.
Solebit; SoleGATE Email Protector is a virtual appliance, installed on cloud or on-premises, that detects and prevents cyber-attacks over the email attack vector, before they even enter the organization’s internal networks. One of the SoleGATE Protection Platform modules, SoleGATE Email Protector powered is by Solebit DvC Engine, uses patent-pending static analysis technology to inspect the email traffic for hidden code inside data objects, providing a conclusive result for each scanned email.
Ref: Gartner’s 2016 tech trends