3 Vulnerabilities In Your Business Email & How To Fix Them
Email is the language of business. It is how things are getting done. In fact, more than 128 billion business emails are sent and received every day. Emails are ripe for cybercriminal activity. The FBI calls it Business Email Compromise (BEC) and reports that more than $12 billion has been stolen over a five-year stretch. […]
Maximizing Fax Security In Regulated Industries
Why Are Businesses Still Using Faxes? With the advent of email, you would think faxing would be a thing of the past. However, habit and technical hurdles still make using fax technology easier in some cases. For example, doctors and hospitals need to share media records, but different databases can’t talk to each other digitally. […]
Common Malicious Email Attachments: Avoiding The Inbox Masquerade
By now everyone knows to ignore the email from the Nigerian Price or foreign lottery. They don’t really have millions of dollars waiting for you. However, that does not mean you can ignore the threat of phishing emails. It just means the cyber-criminals have gotten smarter. In fact, 91 percent of successful data breaches and cyber […]
Avoid Email Attacks & Protect Customers From Getting Threat Emails [Case Study]

The following is a threat email which is a common form of email attack that is now doing its rounds on the Internet. It is based on hackers infiltrating corporate Networks and getting hold of real banking information belonging to the recipients. […]
Homeland Security warns MSPs about APT actors
Wednesday October 3rd 12:30pm PST – U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is advising MSPs (managed services providers) and CSPs (cloud services providers) about advanced persistent threat (APT) actors “actively exploiting trust relationships in information technology (IT) service provider networks around the world.” The annoucement to the Department of Homeland Security warning is here. Further […]
Most Companies still don’t get it! If you don’t properly protect your data, you will be breached.
Small businesses are well known for the nimble and lean operations as well as solid risk management. Making quick decisions about what requires immediate attention as no risk can be prevented with 100% certainty. But researchers have found one risk that puts 60% of businesses, who encounter it out, of business. Furthermore, it is a […]
Shield-SDE helps you move beyond Fax(ploit)
Checkpoint researchers recently compromised a HP Multi-Function Device by sending it a fax. The device was connected to a telephone line yet they were able to take control of a computer on the same network as the HP device. It’s actually a pretty cool exploit… they call it Faxploit. Thankfully the good guys did it […]
HIPAA Compliant AD HOC E-Mail
Healthcare organizations sit on top of enormous amounts of sensitive data covering patients’ medical records, doctor and faculty details as well as processes and information that is highly confidential. Currently used tools provide great sharing and access capabilities, yet also make such medical institutions’ data easily accessible to outside sources, and thus the data is […]