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Maximizing Fax Security In Regulated Industries

Why Are Businesses Still Using Faxes? With the advent of email, you would think faxing would be a thing of the past. However, habit and technical hurdles still make using fax technology easier in some cases. For example, doctors and hospitals need to share media records, but different databases can’t talk to each other digitally. […]

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Homeland Security warns MSPs about APT actors

Wednesday October 3rd 12:30pm PST – U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is advising MSPs (managed services providers) and CSPs (cloud services providers) about advanced persistent threat (APT) actors “actively exploiting trust relationships in information technology (IT) service provider networks around the world.” The annoucement to the Department of Homeland Security warning is here. Further […]

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Open .git directories could expose sensitive data

Criminals never stop, Cyber criminals too, and so (Cyber) crime fighting can’t take a break either. But like we say at Shield every IT hero needs a good team behind them. Today we learned of a potential data breach threat lurching in git repositories. One of the good guys, Vladimír Smitka, reported that nearly 400,000 […]

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HIPAA Compliant AD HOC E-Mail

Healthcare organizations sit on top of enormous amounts of sensitive data covering patients’ medical records, doctor and faculty details as well as processes and information that is highly confidential. Currently used tools provide great sharing and access capabilities, yet also make such medical institutions’ data easily accessible to outside sources, and thus the data is […]

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