Penetration testing provides an excellent overview of the security state of your environment as well as the organization. This is a big deal, among organization such as insurance, medical, and finance that wants to protect their business. Penetration testing highlight what a real-world bad guy might see if he or she targeted the given organization.
Penetration testing gets to view security in an actual operational context, not merely on document or in discussions. Even more so with automated 24/7 real-time Pen Test SASS applications they can concentrate on the most likely exploitable issues and attack path scenarios, and see if an actual attacker could take advantage of them.
With a much better factual information analyzing risks, management personnel can make intelligent fact based decisions how to allocate security resources to fix problems.
Furthermore, because the goal of many penetration tests and exercises is actual compromise, automated penetration testing often go deeper than most audits.
Penetration tests engagements also discover subtle flaws that other methods cannot easily discover.
Automated testing has a much greater impact on your overall budget because when used properly it covers your network 24/7 in real-time, with many variable hops something that would cost a fortune to ramp up with physical manpower.
In our assessment we have found Cronus automated attack path scenario penetration testing to be far advanced of anything on the market;
The Cronus CyBot product suite enables organizations to accurately evaluate their resiliency against cyber threats; proactively adjust their security protection strategies to mitigate the risks; and accurately and efficiently invest in the best cyber security strategy for their organization.
This is done using innovative technology that offers the following unique benefits:
Imitates human hacker behavior to predict sophisticated and dynamic attack path scenarios.
Performs around-the-clock penetration testing on all IP-based components in an environment − including infrastructure, applications and databases.
Uses patented scanning technology that is both silent and 100 times faster than all other existing technologies, minimizing the disturbance caused to organizations and critical systems.
Provides attack path scenario analysis that is valuable to IT and business (facilitates security BI).
Provides risk mitigation in real-time – enables organizations to respond immediately to cyber threats.
When deployed in a global, multi-site environment, shares information across all sites to depict global attack scenarios.
Proprietary Reasoning Engine (patent pending) predicts attack path scenarios at a rate of one path per second. As up to 100 CyBot products can be implemented in an organization, this means that up to one million scenarios can be checked in only three hours.
We represent Cronus in North America if you would like to try a free no risk full POC trial just drop me a LinkedIn message, or email.